About Dr Calvin Ong

Dr Calvin Ong

Dr. Calvin Ong is a Senior Consultant with more than 15 years of surgical experience. He specializes in colorectal and general surgery, performing minimally invasive as well as advanced robotic surgeries for benign and malignant colorectal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic floor disorders, colorectal cancer, and hernia repair. He is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalised care for his patients.


Professional & Academic Experience

  • Senior Consultant, General and Colorectal Surgeon, Colorectal Clinic Associates (Current Position)
  • Clinical Lecturer, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Clinical Lecturer, NTU Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
  • Former Physician Faculty Member, SingHealth General Surgery Residency Program
  • Clinical Associate Professor, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Visiting Consultant, Changi General Hospital

Professional Membership

  • Member, Society of Colorectal Surgeons of Singapore
  • Former Executive Committee Member, Society of Colorectal Surgeons of Singapore

Dr Calvin Ong Jianming

MBBS (S’pore)|

M.Med (Surgery)|

MRCS (Ireland)|

FRCS (Edin)|


Dr. Calvin Ong is a Senior Consultant with more than 15 years of surgical experience. He specializes in colorectal and general surgery, performing minimally invasive as well as advanced robotic surgeries for benign and malignant colorectal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic floor disorders, colorectal cancer, and hernia repair. He is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalised care for his patients.

Dr. Ong graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery from the National University of Singapore in 2008 and completed his Masters of Medicine (Surgery) at the same institute. He finished his advanced specialist training in 2016 and became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.


Dr. Ong was awarded the Human Manpower Development Programme scholarship and spent a year at the prestigious St. Mark’s Hospital in the United Kingdom, specializing in inflammatory bowel disease and pelvic floor disorders. He has been a clinical lecturer at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine since 2012 and was awarded the title of Clinical Assistant Professor with Duke/NUS. A dedicated educator, he received the Role Model Clinical Educator Award in 2014 and the Gold Singapore Health Quality Award in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Special Interests
  • Minimally invasive and robotic colorectal surgery
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Pelvic floor disorders
  • Hernia repair
  1. A Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach to Synchronous Anal and Colon Adenocarcinoma: Review of Existing Literature
    Jarrod KH Tan, NZ Teo, Calvin JM Ong, Sulaiman B Yusof & R Wijaya. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. ISSN 0179-1958 DOI 10.1007/s00384-016-2572-z
  2. Prevalence of colorectal cancer in acute uncomplicated diverticulitis and the role of the interval colonoscopy
    Soh Nicholas YT, Chia Daryl KA, Teo NZ, Calvin JM Ong, Ramesh Wijaya. Int Journal of Colorectal Diseases PMID 29663068 DOI 10.1007/s00384-018-3039-1
  3. Perforated diverticulitis: is the right and left difference present here too?”
    Soh Nicholas YT, Teo NZ, Carrie Jan, Shivani Rajaraman, Marianne Tsang, Calvin JM Ong, Ramesh Wijaya. Int Journal of Colorectal Diseases (2018) PMID 29532203 DOI 10.1007/s00384-018-3007-9
  4. Our initial experience with combined endo-laparoscopic surgery (CELS) for removal of a large benign colorectal polyp.
    Amanda Huimin See, Ong Jianming Calvin, S Yusof, R Wijaya. Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery 5(2):299-304, 2022; Article no.AJCRS.92097
  5. An interesting case of unilateral congenital bullous emphysema and protein S deficiency complicated by non-cirrhotic portal hypertension in a non-smoker
    Wenjia Pearly Koh, Jianming Calvin Ong. Chest Journal DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2023.07.3282
  6. A novel approach to a rare case of Fournier’s gangrene involving the space of Retzius
    Ong JM, Amanda See, Ramesh Wijaya, S Yusof. Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery 7(1):30-35. https://journalajcrs.com/index.php/AJCRS/article/view/494
  7. Use of Inj. Botox to the Abdominal Wall in Large Incisional Hernia Repair: A Local Experience in a Tertiary Hospital in Singapore
    Tu Irene Wen-Hui, Tirukonda Prasanna Sivanath, Sulaiman Bin Yusof, and Ong Jianming Calvin. 2024. Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery 7 (1):198-206. https://journalajcrs.com/index.php/AJCRS/article/view/522

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    #14-12, 1 Farrer Park Station Road
    Singapore 217562

    Appointment : (65)‎ 6643‎ 9922
    Urgent Care : (65) 8181 2311

    Monday to Friday : 9AM – 6PM
    Saturday : 9AM – 1PM
    Sunday & Public Holidays : By Appointments

    mt. alvernia

    Mount Alvernia Hospital
    #08-62, Medical Centre D
    820 Thomson Road
    Singapore 574623

    Appointment : (65)‎ 6643‎ 9922
    Urgent Care : (65) 8181 2311

    Monday to Friday : 9AM – 6PM
    Saturday : 9AM – 1PM
    Sunday & Public Holidays : By Appointments


    Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
    #10-48/49, 38 Irrawaddy Road
    Singapore 329563

    Appointment : (65)‎ 6643‎ 9922
    Urgent Care : (65) 8181 2311

    Monday to Friday : 9AM – 6PM
    Saturday : 9AM – 1PM
    Sunday & Public Holidays : By Appointments

    parkway east

    Parkway East Hospital
    #05-08, 319 Joo Chiat Place
    Singapore 427989

    Appointment : (65)‎ 6643‎ 9922
    Urgent Care : (65) 8181 2311

    Monday to Friday : 9AM – 6PM
    Saturday : 9AM – 1PM
    Sunday & Public Holidays : By Appointments


    Gleneagles Medical Centre
    6 Napier Road #06-16
    Singapore 258499

    Appointment : (65)‎ 6643‎ 9922
    Urgent Care : (65) 8181 2311

    Monday to Friday : 9AM – 6PM
    Saturday : 9AM – 1PM
    Sunday & Public Holidays : By Appointments

    +65 9660 6918